Grow or Die

Uncovering Secrets of a Successful Marriage

As you know, I’ve been pondering the marriage I shared for well over 30 years which ended recently when my husband finally succumbed to his degenerative brain disease. His disease, CBD or CBS, Cortical Basel Syndrome, they now believe has been misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s for years. Despite the layers of loss we faced together through years of his decline, we never lost what felt like a deep connection. And I’ve begun to understand that non-stagnating phenomenon as one ingredient of a healthy marriage or relationship of any kind.

That ingredient was that we as individuals continued to learn and grow. I’m always struggling with my writing and what it entails to publish and publicize. And he, upon retiring from a sales position in corporate America, wanted to try his hand at acting. He loved it and did a few bit parts. But when that waned, he tried landscape painting. And as I said when he showed me his first painting, “Who knew you’d be good at it!” He was as the walls of our home attest.

So what we each brought to our marriage was our own continued growth and excitement. Which means quite simply that, as we hadn’t stagnated as individuals, we never stagnated as a couple, even as disease increasingly permeated our lives.

Grow or die as they say. It appears that applies to more than just the individual.

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