The Aftermath

We’ve all heard that it is impossible to prepare for a death. And it is true. Even after eight years of my husband’s illness and continual decline until he could no longer move any part of his body except his head and arms to some degree, the end was still a tremendous shock!

I still don’t feel ‘normal’ whatever that means, but I’m getting used to the sudden silence after so many years of therapists of every ilk, nurses and caregivers, and what often seemed like hordes of people, coming and going in our home. They’re all gone now. And I miss them all.

But after a very successful celebration of his life last Sunday, wherein all those carers gathered along with family and friends at our home which he adored, I do feel differently. Is this what closure feels like? Acceptance? Remembrance of the incredible life we lived together? Tremendous gratitude and appreciation?

Well, we’ll see what tomorrow brings. But right this moment, I’m content with all we had and all we experienced. And that just might see me through my own life.

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